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Maths Extension

Discover Mindbourne: a brand-new range of Mathematics and Advanced Programme (AP) Mathematics textbooks and videos!

Please enquire from your teachers regarding access to the Mindbourne Video Portal

Access to the Mindbourne portal is dependent on the licenses purchased as a part of students' textbook packs. Please check with your teacher if you need to access the portal. Student who received licenses through the school last year still have access to all the content up to March 2024.


Our video portal has the full curriculum available, (including the Advanced Programme Maths curriculum) for every grade so that this can become an effective revision tool, a remediation tool of the work being covered in class and the opportunity for extension.


The Mindbourne Experience

  • CAPS compliant textbooks

  • Aligned fully with the DBE and IEB curriculum

  • Online video lessons

  • Examination focus exercises

  • Alternative methods of answering questions

  • Problem solving strategies

  • Online tasks for marks

  • Move ahead with the syllabus

  • Catch up on missed lessons

  • Marked improvement in Mathematics results

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